Before I get to deep in to the weeds of this post. I want to set some expectations.
This is not an explanation of how to solve a well understood problem with a textbook solution. Nor is it necessarily the ideal solution to the problem itself. This solution is the product of avoiding scope creep and minimizing the surface area of a refactor.
UPDATE: I found this very implementation in the Donovan / Kernighan book. So perhaps it is a textbook solution to a well understood problem. Go figure. See the implementation here.

Setting The Stage

When I first drafted this blog post, this paragraph was as a drawn out tail of the original technical problem. It was a little over defensive and full of boring details.
Instead here is the gist of the problem and some context:
  1. A key component of a large codebase needs refactoring.
  2. This key components has a single function interface.
  3. The function takes a struct, which contains the attributes of a resource which needs to be "realized". Think of the type as a factory or constructor of things.
  4. The callers of this function will call concurrently. Often for the something already requested by other callers. In fact other callers could still be waiting on the same thing to be built, or could be long gone with the result they needed.
  5. We should only do the work of creating the resulting resource once per unique set of attributes.
This blog post is not entirely concerned with addressing the first three points above. Instead it is focused on points number 4 and 5. How do we protect our single function type from concurrent callers, often requesting the same work or work that has already been done, in such a way that we only do work once per unique set of attributes?
type Make struct {}

func (m Make) Make(Attributes) (thing Thing, err error) {
  // stuff happens and it could take a long time
For illustration purposes, take the above type as being the solution to steps 1 through 3. The type takes some Attributes struct and realizes it as a Thing resource. The goal is to defend this type from greedy callers. Of course it goes without saying that it should all be easily unit testable as well.
To simplify testing and to separate concerns, the solution presented will be defined as a decorator. Callers will instead communicate with a Go interface, rather than the concrete Make implementation.
type Maker interface {
    Make(Attributes) (Thing, error)
The Make type satisfies this interface and so will the defensive implementation. However, the defensive implementation will wrap other implementations of the Maker interface and delegate down.
type DefensiveMaker struct {

func (d DefensiveMaker) Make(attrs Attributes) (Thing, error) {
    return d.Maker.Make(attrs)
This will be the canvas for the eventual solution.
Given greater scope this could be solved by addressing the access patterns of the callers described in point 4 above. However, as I have already mentioned, the solution I am going to describe is about solving this problem while minimizing the surface area of the change throughout the rest of the codebase.

A Solution

Time for a little PseuGo code (Coining this now. You heard it here first)

Naive defensive approach

type result struct {
    thing Thing
    err   error
  1. Lock a mutex on every call to Make(...)
  2. Use the Attributes as a key in a map of already evaluated results
  3. If the attributes have already been evaluated return the "cached" result
  4. Otherwise, delegate the Make(...) call, save the result in the map and return it
type DefensiveMaker struct {
    mu sync.Mutex
    results map[Attribute]result

func (d DefensiveMaker) Make(attrs Attributes) (Thing, error) {

    // has it been done already?
    if res, ok := d.results[attrs]; ok {
        // yeah, return the cached result
        return res.thing, res.err

    // not yet, do the real work
    thing, err := d.Maker.Make(attrs)

    // save the result
    d.results[attrs] = result{thing, err}

    return thing, err
This does work. However, the impact of doing this leads to all calls to Make(...) becoming serialized. If Make(...) takes a long time, all other callers are blocked. The question is, is it possible to unblock callers requesting attributes which have not yet been requested?

A less "blocky" approach

type inflight struct {
  ready chan struct{}
  thing Thing
  err   error
  1. On entry to Make lock a mutex.
  2. Look up the Attributes in a map[Attributes]*inflight calls to see if this has been requested yet.
  3. If it has already been requested:
    1. unlock the mutex.
    2. retrieve the ready channel stored on the inflight call struct.
    3. receive on the ready channel until it unblocks.
    4. return the inflight.thing and the inflight.err as the result of the call.
  4. If it has not yet been requested:
    1. first construct an inflight{ready: make(chan struct{})} struct with an unbuffered ready channel.
    2. defer closing the ready channel to notify other callers for the same Attributes.
    3. store a pointer to the inflight struct in the map, using the Attributes as a key.
    4. unlock the mutex (now other callers can safely share DefensiveMaker).
    5. do the real Make(...) call.
    6. capture the result on the originally constructed inflight pointer.
The advantage of this approach is that the time spent holding the Lock (worst case) is limited to retrieval/storage in a map and construction of inflight type. Calls for resources already inflight, block on the ready channel until the first successful call for the same Attributes finishes. Results for the same Attributes are calculated once, but different results for different Attributes can be calculated concurrently.
Let's see this in Go:
type DefensiveMaker struct {

    mu      sync.Mutex
    results map[Attribute]*inflight

func (d DefensiveMaker) Make(attrs Attributes) (Thing, error) {

    // has it been done already?
    if res, ok := d.results[attrs]; ok {
        // yeah, so don't hold up any other callers
        // we can wait on the inflight ready channel

        // wait until result is ready

        // return the cached result
        return res.thing, res.err

    // construct an inflight to track the call against
    inflight := inflight{ready: make(chan struct{})}

    // defer closing ready channel to notify callers with the same attributes
    defer close(inflight.ready)

    // save the inflight call for others to get notified on
    d.results[attrs] = &inflight

    // unblock other callers

    // delegate to the embedded and save the result on the inflight 
    inflight.thing, inflight.err = d.Maker.Make(attrs)

    return inflight.thing, inflight.err 
Now any implementation of the Maker interface can be decorated and protected against nasty, greedy callers. Ideally we would whip the callers in to shape and we wouldn't have to be so defensive. However, in the real world we don't always have the time or resources to undertake larger refactors like that. In the short term we can use the lovely Go concurrency primitives and libraries to keep our code safe!